When most of you read this, I realize you will be expecting to read the announcement of who won my Thankful Thursday giveaway. Weeeelllllllll..... at the time of last week's posting, I forgot that I had a class scheduled for today (Sept. 23). An actual quilting class. My ooops. However, I didn't want to make any changes and I figured all of you would probably be most understanding :). Husband's off at work, DD #1 is at school, DD #2 is at sitter's until preschool time, at which time sitter will drive her to said preschool, and husband will pick both girls up at the end of school day, about the same time I finish with class. How often do the stars align like this, I ask ... NOT that DARN often in my lifetime, I tell ya!!
Needless to say, I will most defnitely come home happy and cheerful from spending the day with like-minded quilty-ladies, with not a grabby-hand nor whiny request (unless it's mine!!) and most joyfully chose a winner amongst my wonderful bloggy friends who commented on my post last Thursday ... my thankful Thursday.
So, until later tonight, I bid you all adieu with my many thanks for understanding!
Much love, many hugs and most importantly,
Quiltastic day!!
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