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Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 9, 2015
Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 9, 2015
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Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 4, 2015
Nail Look: Ombre Pink With Water Decals
Hey guys! Yes, I'm wearing Ombre nails again. How can I not? They look so pretty, they're so much fun, and this gorgeous weather we've been having just screams 'Ombre'. This nail look is simple to create, yet is guaranteed to draw attention. After a few months of having problems with my nails (they got so short), I finally got them to grow longer (thanks Eveline 8in1), so I'm enjoying my long nails again.
water decals,
Thứ Hai, 13 tháng 4, 2015
Ultrathin Gold Nail Ornaments
Hello guys. I'm back with a nail look I enjoyed. This is the first time I'm trying out this type of nail decorations. If you're wondering how come my nails are so short, the reason is, well, my nails got so damaged that I had to take a break and just use treatments and wait until they get back to normal. But thing are getting better already.
nail art,
smart girls
Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 4, 2015
Cat Water Decals For My Cat
Hello everyone! I bring to you a nail look featuring the cutest ever water decals. You know I love my cat (you can see him on my Instagram page), and this look is for him, since he had his birthday recently. He's a big boy already.
nail art,
water decals
Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 4, 2015
Preview: Kaviar Gauche for CATRICE
Hello everybody! I had to share with you this upcoming limited edition collection by Catrice. You know I adore beautiful packaging, so this collection blew me away! It's actually meant for brides, it's a collection with a more luxurious design - fit for a special day. I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 3, 2015
4 kreme za ruke: grupna recenzija
Pozdrav svima! Danas ću pričati o nekoliko krema za ruke koje sam koristila tijekom proteklih (prohladnih) mjeseci. Zimi imam katastrofalno suhe ruke, pa ih stalno mažem, makar i sama znam da bi mi najbolje pomoglo da ruke perem u hladnoj, a ne u vreloj vodi. Uglavnom, krenimo s ovim kratkim postom.
Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 3, 2015
Dm: random kupovina
Pozdrav svima! Danas donosim svega po malo: par kratkih recenzija koje sam potrpala u jedan post. Zajednička tema je: svi proizvodi su iz dm-a. Svačega ima, pa počnimo.
dm, S-he stylezone, Mineral Loose Powder, 001 Ivory i 002 Beige (5g, 33 kn): Nikako mi nisu sjeli. Uzela sam dvije najsvjetlije nijanse, međutim koliko god sam prah izgleda nude ili ivory, u dodiru s kožom ovaj puder oksidira i završim sa narančastim tonom. I to nekakva tamna prljavo-smeđa nijansa; a što je najbolje, 001 na koži izgleda tamnije nego 002 (nema ovdje mjesta za logiku). Takva nijansa mi ne bi odgovarala niti ljeti. Postoje puno bolji proizvodi po puno boljoj cijeni, moja preporuka je da ove proizvode izbjegavate u širokom luku. Također naglašavaju suhe dijelove lica, i ne izgledaju privlačno (dobivate onaj brašnasti izgled). Usput sam napravila golemu pogrešku i skinula sam čitavu zaštitnu foliju, umjesto da sam probušila samo par rupica, pa sad nikako ne mogu vratiti taj višak unutra. O da, jesam li spomenula da nijansa 002 sadrži šljokice u sebi? Hehe, može li gore od toga?
Catrice, Photo finish, 18h liquid foundation (020 Rosy Beige): Ovaj puder je uklonjen iz standardne postave prije nekoliko mjeseci, a ja sam ga ugrabila zato što su ga ama baš svi hvalili i govorili kako će im biti teško bez njega. Jasno mi je i zašto, tekstura je dobra, lako se blenda, koža izgleda stvarno super. Ono preko čega nikako ne mogu preći jest vrlo neobičan miris: nekako slatkast s dozom snažnih kemikalija. Ne vjerujem da bi ovakvo nešto mogla trpjeti svaki dan. Zapravo, miris bi mu mogao biti jedina mana. Razumijem zašto cure (one sa slabijim osjetom njuha) pate za njim.
Balea, Piling za lice i vrat, malina (150ml): Ovaj piling za lice mi uopće nije odgovarao. Volim gel za čišćenje lica iz ove linije, ali piling je meni preslab. Ne osjetim nikakav efekt, mala zrnca koja se nalaze unutra su veličine pijeska i ne rade ništa. To jest, ja volim jake pilinge, baš agresivne. Ovo je za nekoga tko stvarno ne traži nešto grubo. Miris je malo presladak za mene, jedva čekam da ovo potrošim. Znate onaj osjećaj kad koristite neki proizvod a on za vas ne radi baš ništa? E to je to.
dm, Sundance, Matirajući fluid za sunčanje za lice, vrat i dekolte (50ml, 18 kn): Budući da imam masnu kožu, poželjela sam isprobati kremu za sunčanje koja ima matirajući efekt (tako barem piše na kutiji). Ok, nešto je bolja od nekih drugih krema za sunčanje na koje sam naletila, tj. pruža blago, djelomično matiranje. Ali, za moju kožu ovo nije za dan u gradu, jednostavno me ne matira. Sasvim solidan izbor za dan na plaži, ugodna je. Doduše, nešto je teže teksture i ostavlja bijeli trag koji je teško umasirati u kožu. Ok za plažu, loše za druge aktivnosti.
Essence, Studio Nails, 4in1 profi file (13,90 kn): Kupljeno, zažaljeno. Rašpica je paprinata, ima četiri različita efekta, koji su svi tako slabi da se među njima jedva spazi razlika. Prvi korak je loš za nokte (od njega se listaju), drugi korak se pohaba nakon dva korištenja (pa je ubrzo beskoristan), a druga strana rašpice uopće nije vrijedna spomena. Izbjegavati.
dm, Balea, Anti blasen gel, Gel za sprječavanje natisaka i žuljeva (10ml, 12,90 kn): Ovako bi ovaj proizvod trebao funkcionirati: treba ga nanijeti na dio stopala gdje vas 'deru' remenčići, i onda nećete dobiti žuljeve ili poderanu kožu jer će remenčić samo 'kliziti' preko gela. Funkcionira li u stvarnosti? Ne. Barem ne meni. Očekivala sam da će se gel s vremenom osušiti ili stvrdnuti na koži, međutim on ostaje u stanju gela čitavo vrijeme (bez obzira koliko malo proizvoda stavim, ili koliko dugo čekam). Uopće mi nije pomogao što se tiče žuljeva. Možda bi ovo mogao biti dobar proizvod za nekoga tko nema jako osjetljivu kožu, ali ako vas remenčići deru do krvi, ovo vam nikako neće pomoći. Možete staviti običnu Nivea kremu, imat će jednak učinak. Veliki fail. Bilo bi super kada bi postojali prozirni jastučići koji se lijepe na kožu i tako ju štite (flasteri ipak ne pomažu previše), ali ovaj proizvod mi nije pružio ama baš ništa vrijedno pažnje.
Love, J.
Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 3, 2015
Volo spužvica za lice: recenzija
Pozdrav svima! Danas donosim kratak post u kojem ću opjevati proizvod koji apsolutno obožavam. Radi se o spužvici za lice napravljenoj od prirodne morske spužve. Spužve su ručno ubrane u Jadranskom moru (Hrvatska <3). Ova mala spužvica je napravila čuda za moju kožu (koža mi je znatno mekša i nježnija).
Gdje kupiti: dm (možda ih ima i drugdje, ja sam ih pronašla u dm-u)
Cijena: 15,90 kn (spužvica je duljine labella)
Ocjena: 10/10
Iskustvo: Koristim ovu spužvicu za čišćenje lica i za blagi piling, i od srca je preporučujem. Ova spužvica je bez problema zauzela mjesto u mojih TOP 5 proizvoda. Spužvica je meka i nježna, ali ipak pruža nježan piling i 'ulazi' u sve pore (površina spužvice nije ravna, već se sastoji od brojnih 'niti' koje lako čiste pore i ulaze u teško dostupna mjesta). Spužvicu stavim pod vodu i odmah je mekana i spremna za upotrebu, a brzo se suši. Mislila sam da bi ju možda moglo biti nezgodno čistiti, ali čišćenje prolazi glatko. Čak i samom vodom se lako čisti, ali ipak koristim nježan sapun, makar su spužve prirodno antibakterijske. Koristila sam je i za uklanjanje maske od ugljena (tu masku inače jako teško skidam s bilo čega), ali 2 minute kasnije spužvica je bila savršeno čista. Ne cufa se i ne kida, a tako ju je zabavno koristiti. Koristim ju već više od mjesec dana, i nisam na njoj primjetila nikakvu razliku, izgleda isto kao i kad sam je kupila. Otkad koristim ovu spužvicu, primjećujem da mi je koža znatno mekanija. Ovaj proizvod je potpuno druga dimenzija u usporednbi sa 'lažnim' sintetskim spužvicama, a i trajat će dulje. Spužvica je bez mirisa i takva će i ostati. Oduševio me ovaj proizvod i svima ga preporučujem. Volim SpužvaBoba Skockanog, a volim i ovaj proizvod.
Više o proizvodu: Budući da mi je ovo prvo iskustvo s prirodnim spužvama, možda ćete ipak pouzdanije informacije pronaći na web stranici ovog branda OVDJE. Vidim na njihovoj stranici da imaju i grublju spužvicu, ali tu do sada nisam uspjela pronaći, pa zato ako ju netko spazi u dm-u, javite mi!
Što piše na proizvodu (pogodan i za bebe):Budući da postoji i veća verzija ove spužvice (za tijelo), moram i nju isprobati; baš me zanima kakva je. To je to za danas, hvala na posjetu. Ne zaboravite me pratiti na svim mojim platformama (linkovi su sa desne strane). Javite mi što mislite o ovom proizvodu ako ste ga isprobale i uživajte u danu.
Pozdrav, Jelena
Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 3, 2015
Nail Fail: The Ugly Edition
Hey everyone! The title says it all, this post is featuring the less flattering nail looks. Some of these are here because the execution of a good idea went wrong, some are here because the idea was wrong to begin with. And some are here because the photos didn't turn out well. Anyways, here is the Nail Fail post.
The problem with the look above was the ring finger. In order to dry the nail polish faster on the other fingers, I applied some oil. Somehow the oil got onto the ring finger, and the nail pearls would not stick to the nail polish. They just slid off. So this look was ruined (but it was ugly anyways). The pink nail polish is from an old essence collection, the white pearls are Catrice LE, the pink pearls are essence. The white and black glitter is by Maybelline (Colorama, Polka Dots, no.197). On the pointer I'm wearing glitter from Catrice (old collection, no.40, I'm Dynamite), and on the pinky I used the Maybelline topper and a glitter nail polish by Smart Girls (LE, no.116). Turns out, I'm not a big fan of the smart girls glitter, it's difficult to pack on a lot. Or maybe I'm just over glitter. All in all, I do not like this look - it just looks wrong.
So here I'm wearing a shade by Catrice, Caught On The Red Carpet. It's a great shade, one of my absolute all-time favorites. I wanted to top it off with one of my favorite top coats from essence's Metal Glam limited edition. Here are the results:
What happened was, the nail polish with the gold flakes ruined the base, it pulled it off, and that's why you can see the uneven red coat underneath. All in all, it would be good in my opinion for essence to put this gold flakes top coat in the standard range. You just have to be careful and always apply a transparent top coat first, so the gold flakes do not ruin the base color. I love how this polish looks and I've worn it a lot. You probably remember this polish, it was in high demand when this trend edition was out:
Here is one gold and bronze look:I didn't like this gold look because I felt like my nails looked like duck feet (if that makes sense). I applied the nail polish wider towards the tip of the nail, that's why it looks weird. This polish is by Catrice, no.910, Oh My Goldness, and here I am wearing 3 (or maybe even 4) coats. So, not a fun polish, and it doesn't look very good layered over other polishes. Also, the pictures kinda suck.
This last look had two huge flaws. The first problem was that the photos came out really weird, my skin looks blue, it's really creepy (the one featured above is one of the better pictures LMAO). The other problem was that this nail polish was too liquid and it spilled towards my cuticles. When this happens, it's impossible to clean it, and it looks really bad (looks messy). I'm wearing a nail water decal from KKCenterHK (CLICK HERE), which I love, but unfortunately, the nail sticker does not have the white parts between the petals. So, it was barely visible over the red background. That's why it really only looks good over white nail polish.
So that's the Nail Fail post. Do you enjoy seeing these fail posts? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to follow me.
Love, J.
nail art,
smart girls,
Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 2, 2015
Ombre Nails: Tequila Sunrise
Hey everyone! This color combination is my favorite to wear, probably because it reminds me of a Tequila Sunrise, which is my favorite cocktail. I meant to post this in one of my 'Nail Fail' posts, but I decided it isn't that bad. The only problem is that Ombre doesn't look very good on very short nails.
Products used:
Avon, Nail experts, Peeling and brittleness solver: It sucks. Do not purchase.
Essence, colour&go, really old collection: I'm trying to use up some of my old polishes, that's why I've been using these cute polishes a lot in the last few months. I loved these polishes, the texture was the perfect density, they are fast drying, the brush suited me and the bottles were adorable.
Catrice, 060 Bloody Mary To Go: The perfect classic red. Gorgeous.
Catrice, 070 Caught On The Red Carpet: A darker shade, but still a classic red. This one is more vampy. Wonderful texture, fast drying, covers in one coat.
Essence, Studio nails, Top Sealer: I like the one with the high shine better.
There you have it: a quick, fun look. In my opinion, short nails do not look nice on photos - that's why I rarely post them. So I guess I have to let my nails grow back.
Have a Tequila Sunrise and thanks for stopping by !
Love, Jelena
Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 2, 2015
Gold Bubbles On Raspberry Red
Hello guys and happy Friday! Today I have to share with you a fun nail look. I adore these gold nail decorations, they match the berry-red shade of this nail polish really well. It was a fun look to wear, it's great if you want to spice up your work week, but even better suited for a special occasion. By the way, what do you think of my bling ring?
Products used:
Nail polish: essence, colour&go, 175 be berry now!, 3 coats: I wore a base coat underneath, as I always do. This shade is perfect for my skin tone, it's the shade of a ripe raspberry. It really brought out the shade of the gold decorations and really made them pop. This polish has the perfect texture and it dries fast. One coat is enough for full coverage, but I wore three coats because I wanted to see if the decorations would stick without using nail glue (they did). Essence changed up their entire nail polish line, so you could find this polish recently on sale. I only noticed tip wear with this polish, so it did not chip.
Ring: I get all my bling rings in Zagreb, Radićeva Ulica, where they have a lot of fun jewelry stores.
Nail Decoration Wheel:, 3D Nail Decoration Wheel, #17227
400Pcs Box, Newly Gold Silver Round, Flat Back, Acrylic UV Gel, Nail Art Decoration Hot Selling Wheel (3.52 $)
First of all, these decorations fit my nails perfectly. I only used nail polish to attach them (I would still recommend nail glue, since it's safer), and they did not stick out. I love both shades, however I used only gold ones for this look because it's a better match to the shade of the nail polish. The decorations are reusable, but there's no need to save them since you get a lot in this package. The bottom of the decorations is flat, and the top is round (half a bubble). I loved wearing them, and I think they look awesome in the photos (and in real life). The final look reminded me of something a red mermaid might wear. I'm so happy with how the final look turned out, and I highly recommend this nail wheel, I had a lot of fun using it. It's so easy to use and it looks stunning in person.
You can purchase this nail wheel: CLICK HERE
Check out all their other nail wheels: HERE
Born Pretty store: HERE
Don't forget to use a coupon to get 10% off (find it in the end of this post)
Do you like this color combination? How do you feel about these nail art decorations? Also, do you love or hate my bling ring? Let me know, and thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to follow me,
Love, Jelena
*** has sent me the nail art wheel for reviewing purposes. All opinions stated are my own.
Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 2, 2015
H&M Shopping List: Spring 2015
Hello guys! It's been a year since my last H&M shopping list post, so I thought it was about time to make another one. Today I'll share with you a few items I've noticed lately in H&M and on their website that I think deserve your attention. I love H&M lately, they've really stepped up their game, and they have a lot of cute stuff.
If you've missed the last H&M post, you can find it HERE.
On the photo above you can see two gorgeous bags (the black one is my absolute favorite). I love the intricate details, I love the shape: these are a dream to behold. They're so elegant and ladylike, I can't take my eyes off them. Stunning, right?
These two bags are also gorgeous, I especially love the cream and black combination. A pal of mine has the black one and it looks great in person. All great purchases, IMO. I bought an H&M bag last year (after avoiding them for a while), and it still looks brand new and it never broke (and I only thought it would last me 2 months). So, if you haven't given H&M bags a chance, you might want to reconsider.
These four bags look stunning, they give a 'very busy lady' vibe. However, they are a little too big for me, because I'm very short and skinny, and they look too big when I wear them. But they're so pretty to look at.
These two weekend bags are my favorites lately. You can find them in the men's section. They look stunning, the color combination is great, and they look both casual and stylish. I am obsessed with them. Lately I've been on the hunt for the perfect weekend bag, and these two are on the top of my list.
These three bags are not as fun looking as the other two. These are more 'gym' bags. I think the blue one is my favorite, though.
Oh My God! The panda backpack is the cutest thing EVER. I. must. get. it. It's been years since I've worn a backpack, but it does come in handy to have one. I have one backpack, but it's huge, and I recently realized I need a smaller backpack, just for a few things. I'm gonna get the panda, he's the cutest! The other two are men's backpacks, but they look so good, I'm loving the design.
These pencil cases have been around for a while. At first I didn't like them because they seemed too small. But they're actually really great, that is, if you only need a little storage room. They fit just a few pencils (or eyeliner and lipstick), but they're handy and the quality is really good. The gold one isn't my cup of tea, but I spotted the first two in the store and the details on them are very ornate. Highly recommend these.
These are your average pencil cases, quite large. I've got the 'diamond' one and let me tell you - it fits a lot of stuff. It's practical and sturdy. This is a great makeup bag if you are packing a lot of items. These are also great as actual pencil cases for school (that's what they're actually for). They are not stiff, so they'll fold and won't hold up as much space in your purse - this is great for me, since I don't like stiff pencil cases.
I am loving these make up bags, especially the one with the lips. The're very cute and are shorter in length so they're great for carrying makeup and making sure it doesn't jumble inside the bag. Well, I think they're adorable.
A few more makeup bags here. I recently got a new everyday bag, and it's a lot bigger and looser, so I need a few make up bags to keep all my items organized. I love the first one - it's soft and tiny. I also love the second one, however it's very stiff so I'm not sure it fits my current needs. The cream one is maybe best suited for travelling.
Lately H&M has had a wide selection of make up bags, so you should go and check them out. The last one is supposed to be a purse, but it's too tiny for me to be a purse - but it's so much fun, right? I love the cute designs, everything looks so adorable!
These glasses cases are the best. I have one from last year and they're very sturdy, they're easy to close (and open) and they keep your glasses safe. Also, the inside is soft so your glasses won't suffer any scratches. I highly recommend them, one of my best purchases.
We're moving on to jewelry. The last few months I've been obsessed with huge necklaces, especially gold ones, which is the reason why I'm loving this one above. I know some people think of them as tacky, but I am literally obsessed. I think they look great.
If you've missed my last post where I talk about some H&M jewelry, click HERE.
Lately I've been very happy with H&M's jewelry selection, they have a lot of fun statement and everyday necklaces. Also, whenever I go to a wedding, I always see lots of girls wearing a simple dress topped with a huge statement necklace from H&M - and they look stunning. BTW, this floral necklace is adorable, and it's the perfect shade for summer.
I already got a 'Karma' necklace from H&M (just one ring), but when I saw these I knew I had to find them. These are great for everyday, especially in the summer when you don't want to wear too much (or too heavy) jewelry.
In the photo above you can see a few light-weight necklaces that caught my eye. I have been obsessed with these. They have a much wider selection of jewelry than let's say 5 years ago, so you should go to their stores and check it out.
I think you might know by now I am in love with H&M rings. What makes me very happy is that the rings are divided by size, and they have XS and S. Like I said, I have very tiny and skinny hands, so a regular size might only fit my thumb. H&M rings are suited for my skinny hands, which is why I've been wearing them so much lately. They have a lot of fun designs.
A few bracelets here. I've been ignoring bracelets in the last few years, and have only been wearing a watch. So I think the time has come to go back to them. I guess it's difficult to find bracelets that would fit me, because of my very skinny hands.
In the H&M store near me (Zagreb, Cvjetni) they have a HUGE selection of earrings - for every day, special occasion, etc. However, not so many photos on the website. So, keep in mind there are a lot more to be found in stores. I found these colorful earrings in store, and I wanted to get them, but they were robbed! Mean bitches would steal a pair from each pack! That gets me so angry. Who are these disgusting people??!! Anyways, hopefully I'll find some in store that have all the earrings in the pack intact, so I can get them. To all the nasty brats who steal H&M jewelry: seriously, STOP, you're disgusting.
So we're back to make up. I've already said how much I adore my H&M Mini Kabuki brush (HERE), but I still did not get the big version. I think I'll finally cave in soon. As for the second brush in the photo, it looks so cute (great design), but I'm not sure what I'd use it for. It almost seems useless (sorry, cute brush).
So many cute (and great quality make up brushes) can be found in H&M stores these days. The BB cream 'stippling' brushes caught my eye, since they're the shape that can be difficult to find for a reasonable/cheap price. Considering the fact that my mini Kabuki brush survived many washings and didn't lose a single hair, I think I'm ready to give these guys a try.
I'm loving these blush and bronzer packaging, they're great to give as presents. I've seen these in a few positive reviews, so they caught my eye. I just think they're not very handy for travelling, since they do take up a lot of space. I already did a post on H&M cosmetics before it even arrived to Croatia, check it out HERE.
These lipstick packs are my favorite to give as presents, especially to little girls that are just starting with make up. I don't think I'd get them for myself, but they make great presents. I love the see-through packaging as well.
Moving on to shoes. I think H&M has great designs, however the quality isn't very good (well, the quality is in accordance with the price). However, sometimes one of these catches my attention - like the nude heels or the sailor loafers. I'd love to get them, HOWEVER, H&M does not make shoes for skinny women. What I mean is, they're all too wide for my shoe size, so a skinny foot keeps falling out of them. Sadness. Also, they have cute sneakers, but in my experience, the soles are too stiff so they're not very healthy to walk in.
Cutest socks ever, right? They don't sock, LOL. I love H&M socks, I just wish they didn't put a white pair in every pack (white socks really sock, LOL). In my experience, H&M socks tend to shrink a lot in a few washes. So, I always buy way bigger than what I actually need. I'm a 38, so I purchase 42. If I buy 35-38 size, then in a few weeks they'll shrink to a size 32 and it will be difficult to even put them on, let alone be comfortable in them. Too bad they shrink so much, because the designs are so cute. Do your H&M socks shrink? Maybe I'm washing them wrong?
I do not wear sunglasses, unfortunately so. I stopped wearing contacts and am only wearing glasses now, so I can't wear sunglasses. However, these designs are too cute for words! They're so retro-chic - yummy!
I found the pink heart H&M key chain I've been looking for, and I'm very happy with it. In my last few visits to H&M, I noticed they have a lot of key chains - big, small, fun, classy... If you need a cute key chain, you now know where you can find one!
You know I can't say no to pandas (who can?). I needed an eye mask this past winter - my neighbor put out these really hideous Christmas lights, and my entire room was lit up the entire night. And the lights would change pace, so sometimes they'd even wake me up. Yeah, they're douches. Anyways, I learned a lesson: eye masks come in handy. The hair bow, well, I'd only wear it while cleaning my face, I don't think I'd wear it outside (well, maybe if I was younger).
And last, but not least, a few items for classy guys. I love the straps, I think they look awesome on people. As far as the bow tie goes, I don't like to see it on men, but I am beyond convinced it would look adorable on my cat. So I'm getting one for my Schnoops <3 Hopefully he'll forgive me for torturing him. ;)
Well that's it for today's post. Have you been browsing through H&M's website? See anything you like? Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to follow me on all my social media (links are on the right). Have a great day,
love, J.
***All images property of H&M website